
Use Amazon oAuth to allow communication with Wherehouse.

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Wherehouse authenticates as an App on Amazon through Amazon’s own oAuth flow which ensures encrypted communication between the platforms.

Steps on Wherehouse 👨‍💻

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1️⃣  On the Wherehouse dashboard, within the subscription you’d like to authorize, select Platforms from the sidebar.
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2️⃣ Look for the Amazon connector(s).
Each account may have multiple depending on the specific requirement, repeat the steps for each.
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3️⃣  Click Authorize.
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You will be automatically redirected to Amazon

Steps on Amazon 🔗

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1️⃣ Log in to your Amazon account if you aren’t already.
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2️⃣ You should see an oAuth dialogue, click Confirm.
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3️⃣  If all went well you should see “Successfully authorized connector”.