Repricers can be set up and adjusted individually for each offer. However, when you need to make multiple changes, such as updating your minimum and preferred prices or changing the preferred Buy Box approach across several offers, you can do so efficiently using CSV files.
How to export, edit, and import a CSV file for repricer updates
2️⃣ Select Buy Box Repricer from the sidebar (💲 icon).
3️⃣ Click on Import & Export.
4️⃣ Click on Export Offers.
A CSV file will download to your device.
5️⃣ Open the CSV file.
6️⃣ Navigate to the last four columns where you’ll make updates:
Possible Values
Indicates whether the automated repricer should be enabled for this product.
Specifies if the repricer should aim for the 🏆 best price (CHEAPEST) or 🚛quickest delivery (FASTEST).
Any number > 0
The minimum price you are willing to sell the product for.
Any number > 0
The ideal maximum price at which you want to sell the product.
7️⃣ When you’re done, save the CSV file.
8️⃣ Return to the Wherehouse dashboard and click on Import Repricers.
9️⃣ Drag and drop the CSV file, or click on Browse to select it manually.
🔟 Click Confirm to begin processing.
Processing may take 30 seconds to 5 minutes, depending on the number of offers being updated. During this time, avoid making any changes directly on the dashboard, as they may be overwritten by the CSV upload.