
Wherehouse communicates with your WooCommerce website through its built in REST API

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WooCommerce allows you to generate any number of secret keys to allow external systems like Wherehouse to securely communicate. Below we guide you through authorising Wherehouse to connect with your WooCommerce store.

Steps on Wherehouse 👨‍💻

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1️⃣  On the Wherehouse dashboard, within the subscription you’d like to authorize, select Platforms from the sidebar.
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2️⃣  Look for the WooCommerce connector(s).
Each account may have multiple depending on the specific requirement, repeat the steps for each.
3️⃣  Click Authorise, this will take you to a modal asking for your site’s URL, Consumer key and Consumer secret, more on how to locate that below.

First step: Wordpress Plugin 🔌

WooCommerce doesn’t provide us all the necessary features in their native API. We have written a small plugin that extends the API with useful features allowing us to more performantly access data on your website.
Don’t worry! The plugin does not have any effect on how your website operates or looks. It does not have a performance impact on the customer experience either.
The plugin has no interface or setup required, simply install it and Wherehouse will do the rest.
1️⃣ Download the plugin below
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2️⃣ Go to your Wordpress dashboard → Plugins → Installed Plugins, click Add New at the top
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3️⃣ Click Upload Plugin on the next page
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4️⃣ Choose File then select the file you downloaded previously
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5️⃣ Click Activate Plugin. You’re done! There is no interface or setup.

Generating REST API Credentials 🕵️‍♂️

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1️⃣  To find the required info, head to your website’s Wordpress Dashboard.
2️⃣  Click on WooCommerce in the sidebar, then Settings.
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3️⃣ Click Advanced then Click REST API, from here click Add key.
4️⃣ Give the key a fitting description, assign it to an admin user, and select Read/Write permissions.
For traceability reasons it is advisable to create a separate admin account for new keys. This allows you to track changes made through external systems like Wherehouse that connect via API.
5️⃣ Click Generate API Key.
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6️⃣  Copy your Consumer key and Consumer secret to the Wherehouse modal from earlier.
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7️⃣ Enter your site URL e.g. yoursite.co.za
NO slashes
NO http://
NO https://
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 8️⃣ Hit save and if all went well you should see “Successfully authorized connector”.